On Christmas day we decided to make an artwork as a thanksgiving for 2007. Rommel listed down what needed to go in the thing, Rio took care of the drawings and I, well, made the border (lil stick figures)-- fun, fun, fun! This colorful masterpiece actually represents seven of our major faith encounters for the year (the "minors" would number a million).
R.A.I.N.B.O.W. of blessings, indeed!
R - etreat: We were blessed to experience and enjoy the Caliraya Recreation Center in Laguna, the Peninsula de Punta Fuego in Nasugbu, Batangas and Fort Ilocandia in Laoag City (for free)!

A - llergy-free. Rommel has recuperated from chronic allergy, just at the right time when we needed to cut on budget. More than the financial relief, we were grateful for the end of his painful ordeals with the needle everytime he visited the dermatologist.

I - t's a Party! Rio celebrated her 7th birthday this year. Family and friends are her greatest gifts from God!

N - ew school - Rio's transition into her new school (Neo-vision School) was easier that we imagined, thanks to friendly faculty and schoolmates! But before that, summer was doubly fun as she joined Trumpet's acting workshop, sponsored by Promil!

B - ack to school! I took the Sabbath year off work to get a master's degree at AIM --- the biggest leap of faith for us this year.

O - pportunities for growth! We are glad to have been involved in a study group for young couples, a weekly care group with the UP Diliman Navigators alumni, the DCBC Youth for my sister Matet, and continuous service opportunity as houseparents to the DCBC Student Center. Growing in faith through different communities have helped us go through a challenging year.

W - elcome to the family! The latest addition to the growing clan is PJ (Paul Jeremiah), who tied the knot with my sister Marjorie in December.