
Family Retreat Day 4

Rommel & Rio fulfilled their promise to jog around the neighborhood. That way they found the talipapa (mini-market) so we now have charcoals for grilling, and fresh calamansi for sauce.

General cleaning! Plants get extra watering and kois are extra happy because they were fed early.

Prayer journal now had stick figures -- my first drawing entry. Dream house and dream of another baby (!).

Final outcome of russian egg art very satisfactory. Rommel made a note of us needing to do the same project back at home. Yey!

Later in the afternoon, we had dinner with the Clementes. Kids bonding, parents dreaming together. Lotsa laughter. And tea. Awesome time.

Homeowners back by 10PM. They seemed exhausted by the long drive, but looked refreshed by the trip overall.

Some soft music to cap the night...

1 comment:

Mai said...

You guys do look refreshed. :-)