Dear friend,
God’s grace and faithfulness are truly amazing! I am happy to let you know that I successfully finished the Master in Development Management Program from the Asian Institute of Management on July 11, 2008.

My family would like to thank you for all your prayer and support for the past 11 months.

My Sabbath Year ends this month, and I am so glad that I acted on the Lord’s prompting to take the year off for rest, retooling, and redirection. It was a time of exposure to development activities within the Asian region, intensive multicultural experience, and a truly remarkable encounter with the Father who supplied our needs according to His riches.
What’s next? To be honest, I have no definite answer except to say that I am waiting on the Lord. What I shall do for the longer term remains a matter of continuous discernment for the family. So, if you could please continue to pray with us, the following are the apparent options for me (in random order):
a) Full-time consultancy;
b) Employment with an INGO;
c) Resume ministry with Compassion International.
Meanwhile, I do consultancy with four nonprofit organizations, helping out with community-based project management and training.
We are blessed to have you part of our network of supporters. Once again, thank you for coming alongside us in this journey, and do let us know how we can pray for you, too!
Much love from our family to yours,
Congrats! :D
Belated na 'to, but Congrats Jing!!! God is so good!
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